Saturday, October 30, 2010

A blog for us "mama's"

just wanted to quickly share a blog that i am loving at the moment.
it's nice to read a long and know that you're not alone in doing the little tedious things that are so important in raising up our children to have a solid testimony of Jesus Christ.
i don't even know if i'm making sense at the moment. I am sooo exhausted! what a busy HALLOWEENEY week we have had!

The craft night was LOADS of fun! thank you to all who came and hung out and brought the delicous food and treats!
i will be seeing you tonight at the Medieval Trunk or Treat.
dressed as someone from the year 2010.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Pre-made Mixes {UPDATE}

the flavor of mixes you will get in your 5 pack are:
                                             & Caribbean spice   
           Any of these mixes could be used to make a dip mix, salad dressing, meat entree or be a shaker for a salad to spice it up, they can also be added to bread right before baking.                                    

Monday, October 11, 2010

make your own cd slipcover

i just remembered this idea on sunday, but forgot to share it with you guys...
so i guess you'll have to do it on your own if you're interested.
A super cute and easy way to present your story on cd. you could even glue it into the favorite book you present with it.
All you need is:
scrapbook paper {get a sturdy kind}

First cut your paper 5 inches wide and 10 inches long
on one end, cut a little half circle.
just like you see below.

then, all you gotta do is fold it in half.
tape it up on the sides
and wrap it up with some simple twine or ribbon.
such a cinch and festive too!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

No one has to know....

that we're cheapskates fantastically frugal when it comes to Christmas gifts.
Come hang out with the girls and learn some tricks from the world of handmade.
                         Tuesday, October 19th at 6:30 pm.

we will make pretty things such as these darlings that sell on etsy anywhere from $6 to $14 a pair!
the price you pay? $3!!

we also have the cutest fabric rosettes that are perfect for hair accessories, pins, and can even be used to add a feminine touch to a necklace or bracelet.
For this we're counting on you fabric hoarders in the ward to donate your scraps.
we're gonna be putting our rosettes on little hair clips that can easily be attached to a headband, or cardigan, or even a bag. i think i may even throw in some bobby pins too...because these are just too cute
just $2 for these little babies!! for 2 bucks you get two clips and up to 4 rosettes!!

We also have stencil art. This craft is come prepared. This project will be $2 for TWO small projects (i.e. onesies) or ONE big one (bag or big stencil on a shirt).
print out whatever object or pattern you'd like to stencil if you have something particular in mind...remember to keep it simple, because you'll be cutting it out with an exacto knife. 
for the two below, i googled "cat eye glasses" and "outline of california" and printed off my favorite image.  you can also do letters and numbers in funky fonts too, and don't even need the internet for that!
i will bring my stencils for anyone to use too.

There's also spice mixes 5 for $5. you can mix em up. a great guy gift. nice and easy
(below is  just an example...not quite sure yet how the packaging will look for ours)

record yourself reading a favorite childrens book for the grandkids, or neices and nephews, or even your own kids as a keepsake for them. this will be 75 cents for a disc, or if you have your own blank cd, bring it, and it's FREE.
{don't forget a favorite book}

also, if anyone is interested, there will be someone to teach us how to make little baby hats. the yarn will be provided...all you need are hands.
This is gonna be a really fun night...i'm super excited...and did i mention there'll be food?! always a plus, right!  so even if you're not interested in making anything...come to snack and chat with us anyways.   hope to see you all there!!
                                                                             {pictures taken from etsy OR the internet if not my own}