Saturday, January 22, 2011

More than caseroles and soups....we're talking POWERFUL NURTURING

Do we fully comprehend the importance of sitting around a table together as a family and eating a good homecooked meal?  For some, this may seem a bit old fashioned or something of the past. I certainly hope not!
According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, family mealtimes are important because:
  1. When you regularly eat with your children, your meals are more likely to be healthy and balanced.
  2. Compared to teens that have frequent family dinners, those who rarely have family dinners are three and a half times more likely to abuse prescription drugs or an illegal drug other than marijuana.
  3. Girls who have five or more meals a week with their families are one-third less likely to develop unhealthy eating habits, which can range from skipping meals to abuse of diet pills to full-fledged anorexia.
  4. Parental influence and involvement is an important tool in preventing substance abuse.  Regularly sitting down for a meal with your children is one way to connect with them and be involved with what is happening in their lives.
these are just a few of the many benefits and blessings that come from preparing and planning a family meal.

On February 15th at 6.30pm we will...
talk about the importance of gathering as a family to eat
how it can be easy and stress free by planning ahead {tips on recipes, freezer meals}
and IDEAS on how to make it something FUN the whole family will look forward to.

Inspiration for Februrary's enrichment can be found HERE.
a talk given by Julie B. Beck